Sunday, 9 April 2017


很多人都相信,我们出生在这个世界上是来体验人生的。也因此,几乎所有人都想向往更好的生活品质。不知道你有没有听过一个非常知名的理论 - 马斯洛的“人生五大需求”?在他的这个概念里,往更好的生活品质迈进是有程序的... 就像盖楼房一样,人必须从最底层的生理需求 建构到最高层的自我实现!


  1. 第一层:有饭吃,填饱肚子
  2. 第二层:要有地方住,有钱看医生,有车子开
  3. 第三层:让生活更多姿多彩,友谊 亲情 爱情的需求
  4. 第四层:希望透过表现,能力获得他人的认可和尊重
  5. 第五层:追求灵性,真善美的人生境界
在看完这篇理论后 回头想想现实生活的经验,深深觉得非常有道理。

但就对于现在的年轻人而言,第二层的需求,似乎就开始有些辛苦了... 因为现在的小资上班族们共同的课题是:“薪水不太变,但物价一直涨”!至于加薪 不仅几率不大,不时还要和公司“共挺时艰”。


既然我们无法改变环境 但我们可以改变态度和方法。成功大师史蒂芬柯维给人们一个很重要的概念:生活中所有的事情分成“你所关注的”,“你所能影响的”,我们应该把重点放在我们所能影响的事务上。所以 与其抱怨公司 抱怨薪水,倒不如好好规划如何投资理财!

我相信 大部分的小资上班族并没有仔细去思考“钱的游戏规则”。但正所谓你不理财,财不理你,钱不会放在那里自己长大。换句话来说不管你工作了5年还是10年,看看自己现在的财务状况,你会发现和入社时的状况差不了多少!


"Since we can't change the environment, but we can change our attitude and mindset"

Saturday, 8 April 2017


Carbon is an element stored in fossil fuels such as coal and oil. When these fuels are burned, carbon dioxide CO2 is released and acts as what we term a "greenhouse effect".

二氧化碳 CO2 - 造成温室效应的主要气体
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) - Main gas cause the Greenhouse Effect.

在1997年,全球为了一起减少二氧化碳排放量,大部分国家共同签署了“京都协议书”,并且由联合国负责分配各国需要减碳的额度。这时候碳权就出现了,因为有些国家对于减少碳排放量执行得很彻底,比限制的量排放出更少的二氧化碳。因此,这时候就累计了不少我们口中所说的碳权。当碳权出现,市场就会出现碳权交易。这是因为有些国家虽然很努力的在改善 减少所排放的二氧化碳,却无法达到减碳的标准。这时国家之间可以自由买卖碳权,所以市场上就出现了碳交易。而碳交易的概念与证券或商品在市场上交易大致上相同。碳,被赋予一定的价值。通过碳交易,我们的地球就能减少二氧化碳 控制温室效应 保护地球。
1997 years, when global intend to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions, most of the country jointly signed the "Kyoto Protocol", and United Nations is responsible for allocating the amount that countries need to reduce their carbon. So at this times "carbon rights" is out. This is because some countries are very thorough about reducing carbon emissions while some is not. And when the carbon rights appear on the market there is "carbon trading" which means all these countries are free to buy and sell carbon rights. Carbon, is now given a certain value.

温室效应 导致全球气温节节上升,造成全球气候改变,人类也将付出极大的代价!气温上升会让冰山溶化,海面上升,陆地面积减少等等问题.... .. 如果到时再加上气候带位移,将引发动物大搬迁和各种疾病的蔓延..
Greenhouse effect causes the rise in global temperature, contributing to global climate change. Temperature rising will make ice melt, rise of sea level, decrease of land area and the others...

那么什么是Pollywood?What is Pollywood?

Pollywood 是马来西亚知名企业NHF与马来西亚农业大学UPM联合发起的环保项目。NHF公司在我国有17年的历史,保健品商店遍布全马各大商场,信誉度极高。NHF的灵魂人物兼老板钟洁希博士是国际歌手,慈善家和癌症协会的副主席。
Pollywood is a environmental project jointly launched by Malaysia well known enterprise NHF and local agriculture university UPM. NHF has 17 years history at our country, its health care store all over the major shopping malls. NHF boss is Dr. Jessie Chung. She is a musician, philanthropist and the vice president of local cancer association.

Pollywood 项目主要是以种植泡桐树为主要赢利点。泡桐树市场价值高,只要用来制造家具与棺木,还可以销售碳权(因为泡桐树本身的叶子面积大来吸收二氧化碳),已经有固定买家。而UPM农业大学会负责提供我们种植技术以及计算碳权以进行销售。另外,泡桐树也是东南亚地带最适合种植的品种之一。
Pollywood project mainly is to grow the Paulownia tree as the main profit. Paulownia tree has high market value, it used to make furniture and coffin, and the most important is to sell the carbon rights (due to the large area of leaf can absorb CO2). Agriculture university UPM responsible for providing us the planting technique and calculating the carbon rights for sale. And Paulownia tree is one of the most suitable varieties for planting in Southeast Asia.

Links : UPM Helps Kelantan To Plant ‘PAULOWNIA’ Tress For Forest Farming Project

保护地球人人有责 联合国所促进的碳权交易可以有效制止温室效应。全国各地为了防止地球变化将会购买很多碳权,而手中握有碳权得你,将会因此获益。
The carbon trade promoted by the United Nations can effectively curb the greenhouse effect. In order to prevent earth changes, many country will buy lots of carbon rights, and you will be benefit if you are in the Pollywood Investments.

Pollywood 投资计划 想了解更多 // Keen to know more about this Pollywood Investments kindly contact me --------------------      Wechat: vonneloveu

Friday, 7 April 2017


一间公司的强大可以从它的对接商家来看 因为有实力 可靠的投资公司会与大企业合作,让会员利用消费积分来达到最实际且免费的衣 食 住 行 !在Pollywood,我们统称消费积分为Pollypoint, 每一次拆分后的15%将会转换为消费积分 供投资者出外使用 就很像中国的支付宝 道理是一样的。
The strength of a company can be seen from his docking merchant, because a reliable company will definitely co-operate with a large enterprises to let their investor/ member enjoy the best deal at town. In Pollywood, we called this bonus point as Pollypoint and after each split, 15% of the bonus will convert to Pollypoint for investors to use.

为何Pollypoint很实际?就很像汽车出门需要汽油,我们需要购买日常用品 蔬果等,出外用餐,添购家具等等.... 这些都是必备的 那么让我们来看看Pollywood有些什么对接商家吧~
Pollypoint are the most practical, for example, petrol, vegetables, fruits, furniture, food.... and the others. All this necessary, you will definitely get it by using Pollypoint. No more cash, sounds pretty good right? Now let's us see more about the docking merchant.

Hoorayyy, we got the deal - Tesco Voucher.

Get the PETRONAS deal by Pollypoint also...

To view more about the Pollywood ' docking merchant, kindly C L I C K M E !