Wednesday, 22 March 2017


Invest your money in a reliable company, Pollywood

Headquarter: Pollywood Limited
Location: Top Glove Tower, Setia Alam Selangor, Malaysia

母公司NHF有17年历史,有10大实体产业,O2O线上线下,实体+金融+碳权+电商公司. Pollywood保绿木公司是环保领军企业,在马来西亚,泰国,菲律宾,南非,大面积种植的泡桐树吸收二氧化碳,产生碳权,由天津天擎动力收购10亿吨碳权,8月18号在北京新闻发布会同时签约,意味着保绿木在中国启动!
The parent company known as NHF, has 17-year-old history,  which major in 10 industries. Pollywood Limited is a leader in environmental protection. Large area of planting Pollywood at Malaysia, Thailand, Philipines, South Africa, to absorb the carbon dioxide and produce the carbon right. TQPower company will acquired 1 billion tons of carbon rights, by signing contract at Beijing, China press conference on 18th August. This means that Pollywood start up at China as well. 

Pollywood Limited Group at Malaysia has health business, environmental protection industry, financial industry, entertainment industry, wood planting and economic crop cultivation. In purpose to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide and greenhouse effect, most of the environmental awareness companies are actively involved in carbon emission trading.

Pollywood (green project) launched has actively promote the carbon emission trading.

Malaysia Pollywood Limited Group organised the first press conference at Beijing, China. Ministry of forest, Hongsen Wood Industry, Tianqing Power Carbon Emission Trading Company, government officials and news media are attending.


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